It’s 9 years of o9attitude! Looking back, I see that the attitude of the Romanian citizen has changed considerably. 9 years ago we all aspired to become citizens of the European Union; today we became European citizens with rights, like all citizens of the member states of the European Union.

It is necessary to realize that each of us must know our rights in order to be able to support and claim them, this being possible if we choose to transform the existing passive attitude into an active one – an attitude!

It’s not enough to call yourself European to really be! We have to show that we are Europeans in fact, and if each of us will be more participatory, Romania will surely experience a radical change, worthy of the 3rd Millennium, at the center of which is the notion of a citizen with an attitude!

On this occasion, I would like to thank all my colleagues, volunteers and those who have supported us, understood us and, last but not least, shown us that only together we can have achievements and reach our goals.

We hope that in the next 9 years, learning from the mistakes so far, making the experience of the past years fruitful, we will be better, more active, closer to everyone, becoming a model for future generations. It’s time to realize that each of us has to take a stand!

Thank you all and I hope that each of you who will read these lines will not forget that it is possible, and only possible together!

„Do you know who I am? I am a European citizen and I have rights, but I also have obligations, and the main obligation is to share our experiences with others, thus succeeding in being Romanians in a modern, civilized and especially respected European Romania, thanks to citizens with attitude!

Sorin Mierlea, President of InfoCons


InfoCons – European Organization for Consumers Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International, founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations, and member of ANEC .