This work, Interdisciplinary Compendium of Judicial Psychology – Behavioral Analysis – Victimology. Victim Psychology – Criminalistics, is the first of its kind in the Romanian academic university sphere. The timeliness, realism, and pragmatism of the work result from the practical experience and personal documentation of the authors, which is why we intend to protect it by exercising our intellectual rights.

In this regard, we recommend responsibility, elegance, and decency in using the content and forms of information retrieval contained in this work, any such endeavor being made exclusively with the collegial consent expressed in writing by the creators of this work.

prof. univ. cd. Butoi Tudorel

CIP Description of the National Library of Romania

Interdisciplinary Compendium of Judicial Psychology – Behavioral Analysis – Victimology. Victim Psychology – Criminalistics / Butoi B. Tudorel, Mîndrilă Dănel, Ionescu Cristian, …. –

Cristian : P.B.S. Publishing House, 2019
Contains bibliography
ISBN 978-606-94695-0-7

I. Butoi, Tudorel
II. Mîndrilă, Dănel
III. Ionescu, Cristian


Authors :

  • Prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Butoi
  • Mîndrilă Dănel
  • Ionescu Cristian
  • Morar Robert
  • Ciobanu Mariana
  • Butoi Ioana Teodora
  • Mierlea Sorin
  • Butoi Alexandru
  • Puț Cătălin Gabriel

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