• Often we have a problem and no source of money , no savings, or we can’t find someone among friends to lend us money.
  • We go on vacation but find a very good deal and our money isn’t enough.
  • We face a health problem and choose treatment in a private hospital or clinic for better care, but our money isn’t enough.
Read also : What to do if your Banking Data is Stolen?


  • Holidays come and we don’t have enough money during this time for gifts for loved ones or to put traditional holiday food on the table.
  • We renovate our house and realize our money isn’t enough for renovations, and we can’t even stop; that’s when we need money .
Read also : Signs of an Investment Fraud: How to Protect Yourself from Deceptive Schemes


And the list can go on.

Often we try to take the easiest path, which isn’t always the best in the long run. We’re glad that maybe we don’t need to bring a lot of paperwork, guarantors, and we can easily get a loan from an IFN (non-bank financial institution), but we’re not paying attention or understanding the contract and interest calculation. There are interest rates over 100%! This is unacceptable for any of us, so be careful what you sign, what obligations you take on, and look for other solutions that may be better.

Read also : What are phishing attacks?


InfoCons advises you, stands by you before signing anything, and don’t forget that you can change your mind and cancel the contract within the first 15 days on the InfoCons website and InfoCons European App . You have a financial-banking terminology dictionary on the InfoCons website or you can ask for information about specific terms by dialing 021-9615 .

Read more about the InfoCons App User Guide



  • DON’T sign without reading
  • DON’T sign without understanding
  • GET INFORMED, compare, take action .


Sorin Mierlea – President of InfoCons


InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .